The Blog

4 days. 3 nights. By. My. Self. Tom took the kids to Colton for a long weekend to celebrate Vietnamese New Year and the Super Bowl. I stayed behind to supervise the kitchen remodel and have some much needed uninterrupted work time!
I spent nearly 5 hours on the computer today – I kept hearing phantom Opal cries and I would start to get up – then remember! She’s not here!
I miss them terribly and have already called twice but am super excited to check off some items from my to-do list as well as r&r;!
To Do:
– Create some sample wedding invitations for the shop.
– Finish up some designs/new products and update the shop
– Print/Pack/Ship a few orders
– Finish a painting that has been sitting for 2 years
– Pick out paint/tile for the kitchen. eeek! help!
– go visit my new cousin – baby kennedy!
– complete a few special orders

But what am I doing right now? Sitting on the couch. A quick break to watch Ellen turned into a 3 hour lounge fest. I’m also netflixing Bugs Bunny. We were watching it last weekend with Oliver and there is the cutest scene with the cutest illustrations. I’m freeze-framing and doing some idea sketching!

cute, no?