Major score at Value Village yesterday. I saw this cutie lurking from the bottom shelf under all the toys. I about had a heart attack. Made in 1970 – I never knew Barbie was a camper – but if she did camp I guess she had to do it in style!
Complete with sleeping bag and camping table.

One side pops out.

The back lays down.

The other side slides off.


Super cool graphics on the inside.

The best part? These hand-written “rules” by the previous owner. Including:
“Eating/Drinking permitted.”
“Must feed baby yourself”
“Only use TV or Radio with permission”
No, I lied. The best part? Getting it for FREE because the guy behind me offered to pay for it if I gave him my 30% off coupon! Double Score!
Sorry, this won’t be at the sale. This baby is all mine!