The Blog

I think the Aunties would be proud?

I hit the mother-load of Estate Sales last weekend. I decided to head out mid-morning on a Sunday to a somewhat far-away neighborhood without my GPS. Of course, I couldn’t find the place as I forgot that the streets get all crazy in these parts. I turned around to head back home twice but there was something pulling me back… it was all of these treasures!

Unfinished quilt: 4 long/skinny panels of patchwork blocks. Super cute!

A finished child-size quilt.

2 birdcages. A couple of hankies/doilies.

This super cute sheer white child’s dress.A box of vintage valentines!

Some pennants.

Stacks and stacks of books!

Vintage Christmas ornaments and two mini nativity sets.

This cool set of Fisher Price snap-together blocks. Oliver’s preschool has a set of these and he loves them! In fact, the preschool has a ton of vintage toys that I covet…

3 wooden puzzles. (That I spent a good 15 minutes putting together before buying to make sure all pieces were there).

Oh man! That was fun!